Maths Mastery
The ‘mastery approach’ to teaching maths is the underlying principle of Mathematics Mastery through the use of the White Rose planning resources. Instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, pupils are taught to build a deep conceptual understanding of concepts which will enable them to apply their learning in different situations.
The Mathematics Mastery curriculum is cumulative - each school year begins with a focus on the concepts and skills that have the most connections, which are then applied and connected throughout the school year to consolidate learning. This gives pupils the opportunity to ‘master maths’; by using previous learning throughout the school year, they are able to develop mathematical fluency and conceptual understanding.
Each lesson includes problem-solving which is at the heart of the Mathematics mastery curriculum and is the essence of everything we do as mathematicians. Every lesson provides opportunities for pupils to communicate and develop their mathematical language. Resources are included in each session throughout the school so that the children can see the maths happening. The pupils are expected to all solve the same investigations by the end of the lesson, meaning the key concepts and objectives are met by all pupils. Instead of accelerating higher attainers onto new content, we differentiate through depth in order to develop pupils’ conceptual understanding.